Safeguarding and Network Standards of Behaviour Policy

The Better Way is committed to ensure that all members of the network and others we come into contact with can operate safely, free from any form of harm or abuse.

Our safeguarding and network standards of behaviour policy is set out below.

If you have a safeguarding concern or a concern related to the behaviour of a network member please do let us know, by sending an email to:

(NB: If you have a concern about the standard of service we provide to members of the network, including the behaviour of our co-convenors, please use our complaints policy).


The Better Way is a network of people from civil society as well as the public and private sectors. They join the network because they want to advance certain broad principles set out here. They join as individuals, not as organisations. Members sometimes meet in ‘cells’ (small groups of people who come together several times over a period) as well as in roundtables, national gatherings, and other types of meeting including on-line events. Meetings are sometimes held in an informal setting (e.g. over an evening meal). Members come from different parts of the UK, and beyond.  Since early 2020 most meetings have been on-line.

The Better Way is hosted by Civil Exchange, and the co-convenors are Alison Navarro and Steve Wyler. 


Our policy is designed to:

  • Promote a culture of respect and openness in our meetings and discussions. We believe that by making the operations of the network welcoming and inclusive, we will benefit from increased diversity, as well as lay the foundations for protecting people from harm.

  • Protect from harm people who come into contact with our work, including our members, others we invite to participate in our activities, and the co-convenors and those providing administrative or other support to the network.

  • Ensure we comply with legislation and good practice guidelines in this respect.


Our network does not include membership or direct contact with people under 18. Therefore our policy in respect of safeguarding refers to adults aged 18 and over. 

We are not an organisation, we do not have employees and we do not operate as a registered charity, but for this purpose we have taken account of Charity Commission guidance.  This makes clear that safeguarding duties for adults at risk apply to any charity working with anyone aged 18 or over who:

  • Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs); and,

  • Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect;

  • As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.

The guidance further explains that an adult at risk of abuse may:

  • Have an illness affecting their mental or physical health;

  • Have a learning disability;

  • Suffer from drug or alcohol problems;

  • Be frail.


The following network standards of behaviour apply to all members of the Better Way network in their relations with other network members and with the co-convenors.

  • While we very much encourage challenge and debate, we also expect all members of the Better Way network to behave with dignity, respect and courtesy.

  • All forms of bullying, abuse, exploitation, harassment or  victimisation, including unfair discrimination, will not be tolerated.

  • This applies to all network activity, including in-person events, on-line events, and any communications, including via social media, which relate to the network.


5.1.   Making sure people can raise safeguarding concerns, or concerns about the behaviour of a network member

  • This policy is made available on the Better Way website, which makes it clear that anyone can raise a safeguarding concern, or a concern about the behavior of a network member, and provides an email address for those who wish to do so.

5.2.   Handling allegations or incidents

  • Concerns that relate to this policy are dealt with by the designated safeguarding lead (see 5.4 below).

  • If a safeguarding concern is about that person, the concern will instead be referred to the second co-convenor. If a safeguarding concern is about both co-convenors the concern will be referred to the Chair of the Better Way core group. 

  • Any communications will be acknowledged within 48 hours, setting out what steps will be taken to deal with the concern.

  • These steps will include rapid investigation and subsequent action will be taken as necessary, as quickly as possible, to stop or prevent any further abuse. This includes expelling members who have acted in an abusive way or who present a safeguarding risk to others, or who are in breach of the network standards of behaviour.

  • Records will be kept and the Better Way core group will be kept informed of any concerns that have been raised and how they have been dealt with.

  • Serious safeguarding incidents will also be reported to all trusts and foundations providing grants towards the work of the Better Way, and to the local authority Safeguarding Board. If the concern involves criminal behaviour the matter will also be reported to the police.

5.3.   Training

  • Our safeguarding lead has received training in safeguarding adults at risk in February 2023, and further training needs will be reviewed every three years.

5.4.   Safeguarding lead

  • Steve Wyler is the designated safeguarding lead.



This policy will be reviewed at least every three years.

Date of last review: June 2023. Date of next review: June 2026.

Review: August 2022

There were no safeguarding incidents in the period to August 2022.

Some changes in the policy have been made:

  • (section 1) to note that since early 2020 all meetings have been online.

  • (section 1) to remove a reference to provision of administrative support by the Carnegie UK Trust – this ceased at the end of 2021.

  • (section 2) to clarify benefits of making the network welcoming and inclusive.

Review: June 2023

There have been no safeguarding incidents in the period to June 2023.

Some changes to the policy have been made.

  • To make it clearer in the title and contents of the policy that it covers both safeguarding and network standards of behaviour.

  • (section 1) To update the names of the co-convenors.